Sunday, October 21, 2007

Painting again

My husband helped me get the lighting set up in the studio and as of this afternoon I am painting again. It's not finished but so far so good. Hopefully I will have something new to show you by the end of the week. A very good weekend.

I've been thinking about the whole painting a day movement. Many, many artists are sharing their daily practice. It's inspiring. And why I started my own blog really. But then I got to thinking, not every work is worth seeing. If I was a writer I would write every day. Daily painting and drawing is like freewriting. It's the best way to get your ideas flowing. Then you find something worth working on. That's when you train your eye to see and hone your skills. That can take more than a day. It probably should take more, right? I guess I'm not opposed to work in progress being displayed as long as the viewer can see the progression and even elimination of some of the artist's work.

In theory sharing one's daily completed painting seems like a great idea. But in theory, so are dog parks. Unfortunately there are a lot of bad dogs out there.

Friday, October 19, 2007

setting it up for business

I spent all afternoon setting up things with Feedburner so I could set up a subscription service for readers to get emails when their are new posts and so I could track how many hits I get.
I am still waiting for permission for most of the links below regarding copyright law. I went ahead and set them up since I would have forgotten them later but will remove whatever I have to. I doubt since they are just links and nothing else that I will be denied. Very interesting stuff.
This weekend the plan is to get adequate lighting in "The Studio-o-o."
Then may the painting begin again....

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Starting over

Well, what the hell happened? It's been three months!
I'm working on my studio as it is now too cold and wet to work outside all that much. Lighting is a problem. And so is money. Both common problems for artists, I know. I'm not destitute, just determined to feed my family and keep them safe. So big windows and French doors will have to wait. I'm pretty lucky to have a space at all that is separate from the rest of my life.
Lighting has to be resolved.

And I've been reading and looking at art. It's been motivating. I've come up with some ideas that should work.

The real work is, of course, getting to work.

Who do I think I am?

My photo
Vancouver, WA, United States

Copyright Statement

Copyright Statement
All work here is copyrighted by Léo Washburn, aka "Léo". Please contact me if you wish to purchase use of any of these images.

Notice to Copyright Holders
I have made every effort to secure permission to use the works of others on this page. Any use of others’ works on this site is the result of either explicit permission from the copyright owner, a good faith belief (following investigation) that the work is in the public domain, or a fair use for purposes of research and scholarship under copyright laws. I have no intent to offend anyone's ownership rights in intellectual property. If you are a copyright claimant with regard to any work on this site, and you object to my use of it, please contact me.